Hell is a Joke - "The Death of Gamaliel"


Stories of Faith - Book 6 - Hell is a Joke (and Other Stories of Faith)

Discover how the Player gets played by a young girl in love with God and how believing that Hell is a joke is turned against you every day of your life. In the end, Jonathan Temperley cannot handle the truth and it is his undoing.

Experience the thrill of watching Moses interact with God and the death of Rabbi Gamaliel after a lifetime of rejecting Jesus only to be saved at the last minute. Watch as Sundor ignores the power of Lucifer at the cross as he claims the soul of the believing thief who now belongs to heaven.

Stories that can push you toward heaven or hell should be read with caution. That is also our weight of glory.

Chapter 2 "The Death of Gamaliel"

Gabriel could see doubt cloud the eyes of the demonic prince. At every step the black demon became weaker as Gabriel drove him back, away from Gamaliel. Gabriel saw an opening and sent his bright sword in for the kill but it was met with a jolting parry that was a reminder of the power that still remained in those arms.

It was time to finish it.

The dark sword came in from the side, cutting through the air, but Gabriel sidestepped it, striking it aside. Kicking out with his foot, he knocked Prince Bashan off-balance and his sword was ready to end the dual. It was over.

But Prince Bashan allowed himself to fall, rolling away from the death that awaited him. Tucking his wings under him, he leapt to his feet and immediately rushed straight for the Rabbi Gamaliel. His huge dark sword above his head, he roared out his hatred with vile blasphemies and attacked, trying to end the battle with Gamaliel’s death before his authority was gone forever.

Shalamar and Melanchor attacked from both sides but they were batted out of the way by the wild-eyed, nightmare of terror. Gamaliel was old and frail and this spiritual attack could certainly do him in. Gabriel rushed through the room after the demonic prince with incredible fury, the more so because he knew he would be too late.

The huge black sword came down in a sentence of death, the demonic prince laughing with delirious delight, the soul of Gamaliel bare and vulnerable to his sight.

But even as the evil sword cut through the air, Gamaliel gave a deep, shuddering sigh of peace and whispered, “I am yours and you are mine and that’s all that matters anymore.”

The shock of it hit the demon prince like a physical blow. His sword sliced through Gamaliel’s soul without any effect, his authority gone, and he hovered on erratic wings as he lost his balance.

Gabriel had almost reached them but suddenly he was caught up in a warm embrace, slowing his movements and gently settling him on the far side of the room. The heavenly music seemed to ease out of Gamaliel in a great releasing wave of joy, soft and melodious and deep.

I see the Lord, I see the Lord,

Exalted high upon the worship of the people of the earth.

I see the Lord, I see the Lord,

My eyes have seen the King, the Lamb upon the throne

Who reigns forevermore.

The swirling flow of light sparkled with breathless beauty filling every corner, flowing through and around them, but concentrating more and more on Gamaliel and Prince Bashan in the center of the room.

I see the Lord, I see the Lord,

Exalted high upon the worship of the people of the earth.

The demonic prince was picked up like a rag doll and hung in the air, his wings silent, his body limp, a look of sheer terror on his face. He was held there for one long, awful moment as if by a great divine hand. It was the Shekinah Glory that did him in, his evil not able to stand the Divine scrutiny. Slowly, silently he withered away, fading gently into oblivion.

The train of his robe fills the Temple

A cloud of heavenly worshippers surrounding his throne

Gabriel turned quickly to check on Gamaliel. The time had come for him to see his Savior face to face. But now it was alright. Even as his life force was fading away, he was being filled with the Holy Presence and Gabriel watched as the Divine light penetrated into the very depths of his being, breathing life into his withered soul and giving new light to his weary eyes.

I see the Lord, I see the Lord.

Exalted high above the worship of the people of the earth.

Gabriel could not help it, his face broke into a smile. He could feel the holy vibrations of joy in the very air around him. He had only one last task to perform and it would come at any moment.

I see the Lord, I see the Lord.

My eyes have seen the King, the Lamb upon the throne.

Who reigns forevermore.

Gamaliel’s breathing slowed and then gently, gently came to a close and he breathed his last. His family would find him with his face turned toward the morning sun, in his final rest with a mysterious smile shadowing his lips. Benjamin would know what that smile meant, Gabriel was sure, and he would share in the joy of heaven.

The train of his robe fills the Temple.

Gabriel took Gamaliel gently into his arms and his wings beat with great power and majesty, Shalamar and Melanchor on each side and they soared into the air and almost immediately the clouds covered them. As they broke into the sunlight again, they were surrounded by thousands and thousands of angels, their eyes bright with excitement and joy.

Still Gabriel soared even higher, his great wings beating out a steady rhythm while the procession gathered strength with angels forming up on all sides. Gamaliel had his head tucked into Gabriel’s shoulder as if he was sleeping, or perhaps he was simply waiting, not wanting to waste his wonder on anything less than the desire of his heart.

I see the Lord, I see the Lord.

Exalted high above the worship of the people of the earth.

Then he was there. The throne room of the Majesty appeared before them lined with angels who stood with their wings unfurled in silence as the song of Gamaliel’s heart pour out all around them. Gabriel set him down and turned him to face the throne.

Gamaliel was getting stronger every moment. In truth it was his desire to see the Lord that gave him strength. He took a stumbling step toward the throne and then another, when he was startled into a hesitant pause.

I see the Lord, I see the Lord

My eyes have seen the King, the Lamb upon the throne

Who reigns forever and ever, forever and ever…..

The Divine Majesty had turned toward him and their eyes met and Gamaliel was filled with a sudden and glorious emotion that took his breath away.


His name was spoken and the power in that one word almost swept him away. Immediately, the Majesty upon the throne jumped up and hauled up his robes and ran toward Gamaliel with fierce abandon, the joy on his face shining brightly. His eyes never left Gamaliel as he plowed through the clouds, finally dropping his robes and throwing his arms wide to sweep Gamaliel, his son, into his arms.

“My son, my son has returned,” he said over and over again, shouting it out so that the heavens shook. The angles were awestruck, the seraphim wept quietly around the throne, the entire procession thrown into such turmoil that nobody knew what to do next.

Gamaliel, himself, could only gaze at Him in awe as the Majesty wept and held him tightly, his tears falling upon Gamaliel’s face and cleansing his soul for all eternity.

And all of Heaven stood in awe and worshipped quietly.

The cross had won again.

For my Eyes have seen the King,

The Lamb upon the throne who reigns forevermore.


The Desert Warrior

The Death of Gamaliel by Bert A. Amsing.

Copyright © 2012-2024 by vanKregten Publishers and Bertie A. Amsing. All rights reserved.

Excerpt from The Temptations of the Cross (A Novel) by Bert A. Amsing. Used with Permission.

https://www.desertwarrior.net info@desertwarrior.net https://www.bertamsing.com

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Scripture is taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

by International Bible Society.
Used by permission of Zondervan.
All Rights Reserved.

Artwork by Astray-Engel.

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