Jesus Was An Alien - "Conclusion"


Stories of Faith - Book 1 - Jesus Was an Alien (and Other Stories of Faith)

Here you might talk to Jesus about your neighbors and get his perspective. Here you may encounter God in flip flops in a boardroom or discover that Jesus was an alien (or not). Here you can watch an old lady confront a giant and reduce him to tears (although all is not as it seems).

Here a funeral can be a wedding and you can rejoice in the shock of Lucifer at the cross as Jesus raises his spiritual head and looks upon his enemy in triumph. Rejoice with the archangels when God announces his plans to redeem mankind at midnight in the garden of good and evil.

All this, and more, awaits to inspire your own story of faith. Read. Share. Love. The Divine Story is lived in you and through you.


What a lot of people don't realize is that each one of these stories originally came from one of my other books. Think of this collection of short stories as a taste of what you will find in abundance in my other writings. To that end, I would like to outline for you where each story came from and what the original book is all about.


The Roman Road of Salvation: Discovering the Power of Relational Evangelism

Charles Benton. Neighbor is from Walking the Roman Road of Salvation: Discovering the Power of Relational Evangelism.

This is a collection of fifty posts on the topic of evangelism with a focus on the Book of Romans. You may have heard about The Four Spiritual Laws which all come from the Book of Romans. Those truths are expanded and developed in an verse by verse study.

There are five books in total, each with ten posts. The Complete Works include: 1) Starting to Crawl 2) Learning to Walk 3) Falling Down 4) Finding the Path 6) Walking in the Truth.


The Holiness Project: Discovering the Power of Relational Holiness

The Old Lady and the Giant is from The Holiness Project: Discovering the Power of Relational Holiness.

This is a collection of fifty posts on the topic of Relational Holiness and why it can literally change everything in your faithwalk of repentance. Without holiness, the Book of Hebrews tells us, no one will see the Lord. Strong words indeed. It might even scare you a bit. But that isn't necessary. Making every effort is essential but it is relational holiness that matters in the end.

There are five books in total, each with ten posts. The Complete Works include 1) The Spirit of Holiness 2) The Religious Spirit 3) Spiritual Leadership 4) Spiritual Power 5) The 7 Laws of Spiritual Success.


Seeking Jerusalem: Discovering the Power of Spiritual Unity

The Wedding comes from Seeking Jerusalem: Discovering the Power of Spiritual Unity.

This is a collection of fifty posts on the topic of Spiritual Unity and why it is so essential to church life and our evangelistic purpose. It is only achieved one way, through the cross, and it results in an anointing on our lives and ministry that leads to great evangelistic effectiveness.

There are five books in total, each with ten posts. The Complete Works include 1) The Transfiguration 2) Radical Discipleship 3) The Way of the Cross 4) The Anointing 5) The Road to Jerusalem.


The Temptations of the Cross (A Novel)

Lucifer at the Cross and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil are from The Temptations of the Cross (A Novel) which is the story of the Rabbi Gamaliel just before the destruction of Jerusalem in 72 AD who is confronted with the truth of the gospel through his grandson who has just been converted.

This is the gospel as you have never seen it before through the eyes of Gabriel the Archangel of God. Discover the wonder of the Temptation of Gabriel, the Archangel of God and the Story of Redemption as you have never heard it before.

There are five books in a continuous narrative which include 1) The Beginning of the End 2) Heavy Weighs the Crown 3) Once and Future King 4) Valley of Shadows 5) The Sacking of Hell.


The Desert Warrior: Finding Strength in Difficult Times

Truth in Flip Flops and Jesus Was an Alien are from The Desert Warrior: Finding Strength in Difficult Times.

This is a series that is still in process. It is a description of what a new relationship with God looks like and the mystery and power of making a complete identification with Christ. This “all or nothing” approach may seem extreme but our God is a romantic and He actually loves us and wants a wholehearted love in return.

Christianity is not about the American Dream but about the Abundant Life which is most often found in the Desert not the Promised Land. We would rather be in the desert with God than in the Promised Land without Him. We hope you agree.

Special Note:

Some of these books are already available on my author website ( and also on Amazon while others are a work in progress and therefore can be found on my blog ( While I am writing a book, I publish each post or chapter on my blog for anyone to read freely and make comments for improvement. Once it is finalized, I put it on my author website and make it available for sale on Amazon.

Our goal is to encourage you in your faith and to reach others for the gospel. Come join our online ministry.


Coming Soon - Book 2 - God is an Atheist (and Other Stories of Faith)

Here you might find out if the Devil has the best music and if God is an Atheist (or not). Watch as God intervenes at the Tower of Babel and why God's Love always wins in the end.

Here you may witness the sacrifice of Isaac or let Joshua teach you the Way of a Desert Warrior. Most of all, you can participate in the anointing of God in a small church in the middle of nowhere and wonder why it doesn't happen more often (maybe in your church).

Stories have a way of getting straight to the heart of the matter. And that's good. The idea is to let these stories change you and inspire you in your walk of faith.

The Desert Warrior

Conclusion - Jesus Was An Alien by Bert A. Amsing.

Copyright © 2012-2024 by vanKregten Publishers and Bertie A. Amsing. All rights reserved.

Excerpt from Jesus Was an Alien (and Other Stories of Faith) by Bert A. Amsing. Used with Permission.

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Used by permission of Zondervan.
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