The "Desert Warrior" Series

Finding Strength in Difficult Times

The Desert Warrior

The Complete Works

A five-book series (and an optional bundle) coming soon to Amazon. Available for free on this website (for now).

Book 1: Tears of the Desert Warrior

It´s midnight in the garden of good and evil.

You are here to meet with God. You have questions that you want answered. Adam and Eve have just been thrown out of the garden and evil has taken hold of the world. How could he let this happen?

He’s over there by those two trees. Go and talk to him. You can just see his form there in the shadows.

He’s weeping….

Book 2: Whispers of the Desert Warrior

“There isn’t much direct evidence for you, you know,” I said. “I mean all we have are traces and clues.”

“Yes, whispers of my presence.”

“But, you whisper very quietly. It’s almost as if you’ve withdrawn from the world – many wonder if you were ever here in the first place.”

“Withdrawn? No,” he said “Hidden. Yes.”


Book 3: Shouts of the Desert Warrior

Book 4: The Heart of the Desert Warrior

Book 5: The Way of the Desert Warrior

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Copyright © 2012-2023 by vanKregten Publishers and Desert Warrior Ministries.
All Rights Reserved.

Scripture is taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

by International Bible Society.
Used by permission of Zondervan.
All Rights Reserved.

Artwork by Astray-Engel.

All rights reserved by the artist.

Used with permission.

Click on the artwork for details

of the Creative Commons License.