Christians are Hypocrites - "Conclusion"


Stories of Faith - Book 3 - Christians are Hypocrites (and Other Stories of Faith)

Here you will find out what a real hypocrite is and whether Christians are Hypocrites or not. You will also discover five stories from the Pandemic where we were thrown together for months at a time with different characters, mostly non-believers, who lived in our house.

From spiritual conversations to games of truco to pizza and coke, this is the best way to find out if hypocrisy is the way to describe those who are trying to follow Christ.

To top it all off, my daughter, Michelle, wrote an essay for Yale College about her experiences during the Pandemic called Living with a Murderer. That is one you don't want to miss. She was there of course, but we didn't even imagine what she was thinking.


What a lot of people don't realize is that each one of these stories normally come from one of my other books. But this collection of short stories is different because all of the stories were written only for this collection. What better way to determine whether Christians are Hypocrites than to see them in action.

Not because they are focused on the ministry and treat each person they come across as a potential target but simply how they treat people as people while at the same time being authentic and transparent about their walk with God. It doesn't always work out so well but that's all right.

So this time I will give you a taste of the different short story collections within this series in case you didn't know about the previous ones or are wondering what is coming. There are seven books in total but the last ones are still in progress. We hope you enjoy each and every one of them.


Jesus was an Alien (and Other Stories of Faith) - Book 1

Here you might talk to Jesus about your neighbors and get his perspective. Here you may encounter God in flip flops in a boardroom or discover that Jesus was an alien (or not).

Here a funeral can be a wedding and you can rejoice in the shock of Lucifer at the cross as Jesus raises his spiritual head and looks upon his enemy in triumph.

All this, and more, awaits to inspire your own story of faith. Read. Share. Love. The Divine Story is lived in you and through you.


God is an Atheist (and Other Stories of Faith) - Book 2

Here you might find out if the Devil really has the best music and let an eight-year-old evangelist teach you the heart of God. Discover what it takes for a revival to start on Mars Hill or find out that God is actually an Atheist (or not).

Here you may witness the temptation of the Archangel Gabriel and Joshua can teach you the Way of a Desert Warrior. Or the power of Faith Therapy when all hope is lost.

All this, and more, awaits to inspire your own story of faith. Read. Share. Love. The Divine Story is lived in you and through you.


The Holy Spirit is a Fake (and Other Stories of Faith) - Book 3

Here you will find out what real Spiritual Warfare is all about and whether God's Love Wins in the end or not. Here you can discover if the Holy Spirit is a fake or whether we are. It all depends on who is in charge.

You can travel back in time to the Tower of Babel and wonder at God's intervention in the affairs of men or witness the death of the Rabbi Gamaliel and his entrance into heaven. Or you might attend a convention where you hear and experience 7 hours of glory and your life will never be the same again.

All this, and more, awaits to inspire your own story of faith. Read. Share. Love. The Divine Story is lived in you and through you.


Christians are Hypocrites (and Other Stories of Faith) - Book 4

Here you will find out what a real hypocrite is and whether Christians are Hypocrites or not. You will also discover five stories from the Pandemic where we were thrown together for months at a time with different characters, mostly non-believers, who lived in our house.

From spiritual conversations to games of truco to pizza and coke, this is the best way to find out if hypocrisy is the best way to describe those who are trying to follow Christ.

To top it all off, my daughter, Michelle, wrote an essay for Yale College about her experiences during the Pandemic called Living with a Murderer. That is one you don't want to miss. She was there of course, but we didn't even imagine what she was thinking.


Some of these books are already available on my author website ( and also on Amazon while others are a work in progress and therefore can be found on my blog ( While I am writing a book, I publish each post or chapter on my blog for anyone to read freely and make comments for improvement. Once it is finalized, I put it on my author website and make it available for sale on Amazon.

Our goal is to encourage you in your faith and to reach others for the gospel. Come join our online ministry.


Coming Soon - Book 5 - Heaven is a Myth (and Other Stories of Faith)

Here you might find a snake in your garden and wonder what to do about it or experience the reverse discrimination that the Holy Spirit promotes in a denomination called The Pillar of Fire.

Here you may realize that with a little faith therapy, you can move mountains and minister to someone who believes that heaven is a myth. Go back in time to the Stoning of Stephen or witness a revival in a local church that changes everything.

Inspiration and motivation through narrative storytelling is what we are all about.

The Desert Warrior

Christians are Hypocrites - Conclusion by Bert A. Amsing.

Copyright © 2012-2024 by vanKregten Publishers and Bertie A. Amsing. All rights reserved.

Excerpt from Christians are Hypocrites (and Other Stories of Faith) by Bert A. Amsing. Used with Permission.

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Copyright © 2012-2023 by vanKregten Publishers and Desert Warrior Ministries.
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Scripture is taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

by International Bible Society.
Used by permission of Zondervan.
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Artwork by Astray-Engel.

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