Stories of Faith - Book 3:

The Holy Spirit is a Fake

Here you might find out what true Spiritual Warfare is all about or decide that the Holy Spirit is a fake (or not). Experience the temptation of the Archangel Gabriel at the beginning of time to discover the key to your temptations.

Here you may realize that you are the weakest link in your church and that makes you stronger than all the rest. Discover how the passion of an eight-year-old reflects the heart of God and how seven hours of glory can change your life. Perhaps talking with Dr. House will convince you that evil is alive and well on planet earth.

Stories have the ability to catch your attention and focus your efforts on what matters most.


Poem - Arrogance

Chapter 1: Spiritual Warfare

Chapter 2: The Temptation of Gabriel

Chapter 3: The Holy Spirit is a Fake

Chapter 4: The Eight Year Old Evangelist

Chapter 5: The Weakest Link

Chapter 6: Dr. House. Brilliant. Idiot.

Chapter 7: 7 Hours of Glory


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Scripture is taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

by International Bible Society.
Used by permission of Zondervan.
All Rights Reserved.

Artwork by Astray-Engel.

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