Stories of Faith - Book 5:

Heaven is a Myth

Here you might find a Snake in your Garden and wonder what to do about it or experience the reverse discrimination that the Holy Spirit promotes in a denomination called The Pillar of Fire.

Here you may get some basic Faith Therapy to help you along your way or hope for a revival on Mars Hill. Go back in time to the Stoning of Stephen or witness the Life Support System that God has in place for you which can lead to a revival in your own church or nation.

Whether or not you believe that Heaven is a Myth, at the very least you will discover what heaven is really all about. And that can change everything.



Chapter 1: Life Support System

Chapter 2: A Snake in the Garden

Chapter 3: Heaven is a Myth

Chapter 4: Faith Therapy 101

Chapter 5: The Stoning of Stephen

Chapter 6: Revival on Mars Hill

Chapter 7: The Pillar of Fire


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Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

by International Bible Society.
Used by permission of Zondervan.
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