Stories of Faith - Book 4:

Christians are Hypocrites

Here you will find out what a real hypocrite is and whether Christians are Hypocrites or not. You will also discover five stories from the Pandemic where we were thrown together for months at a time with different characters, mostly non-believers, who lived in our house.

From spiritual conversations to games of truco to pizza and coke, this is the best way to find out if hypocrisy is the best way to describe those who are trying to follow Christ.

To top it all off, my daughter, Michelle, wrote an essay for Yale College about her experiences during the Pandemic called Living with a Murderer. That is one you don't want to miss. She was there of course, but we didn't even imagine what she was thinking.


Poem - Not Able to Bear It

Chapter 1: Christians are Hypocrites

Chapter 2: Stories of the Pandemic: Scottie

Chapter 3: Stories of the Pandemic: Alan

Chapter 4: Stories of the Pandemic: Rafa

Chapter 5: Stories of the Pandemic: Alberto

Chapter 6: Stories of the Pandemic: Antonella

Chapter 7: Living with a Murderer


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Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

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Artwork by Astray-Engel.

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