Angel Partners

Donate. Pray. Engage.

An Angel Partner is also a Ministry Partner and Prayer Partner.

Prayer is essential.

An Angel Partner desires to DONATE
towards the DWM wish list or a specific project (available on request).

This donation will be done through a third party 501 (c) charity called Star Ministry
who will provide a US tax receipt for the donor.

No products will be provided for the donation (since it is complicated for the charity).

Donations of time and effort for specific social networking or internet marketing campaigns

as a joint venture with DWM is very much appreciated.
Funds may be limited or unavailable from DWM for these joint venture campaigns.
Please enquire.

An Angel Partner also desires to ENGAGE
with Desert Warrior Ministries on a more regular weekly basis

through ongoing promotion and involvement.

These three suggestions will provide you with an

ONGOING connection to DWM:

Follow the Blog via Email.

Sign up form on the sidebar. This will keep you informed of any new posts directly in your email.

Like (and Follow) the DWM Facebook page.

Sign up form on the sidebar. This will keep you in the know about

Events, News, and People related to DWM.

Follow @desertwarrior3 Twitter Feed.

Sign up form on the sidebar. This will provide you with the latest up-to-date news and quotes from the website. Please retweet and mark as favorite each one of the tweets you receive from Desert Warrior Ministries.

These suggestions will help you to

SHARE and PROMOTE DWM to others:

LIKE a post/page.

At the bottom of each post or page is a button that allows you to indicate

that you LIKE that particular post or page.

It is specific only to that post but it helps the search engines to give the website

a higher ranking based on the value of its content.

Please LIKE as many pages that you LIKE, assuming that you do, in fact, LIKE them.

SHARE a post/page on YOUR Facebook or Twitter page.

These buttons are also on the bottom of each post or page and allow you to share

the content of that particular post or page with others.

A proper copyright notice (provided at the bottom of each post)

and a link back to this website will automatically be included.

POST a blog post or page on your own website.

PRESS THIS allows you to publish this post or page on your own blog.

That button is also on the bottom of each post/page.

This tool will also include the proper copyright and backlink to this website. So relax and enjoy.

For more information, check out the

page under the “About” menu.

Hopefully, that will answer all your questions.

Stay in Touch. Get our Newsletter.

Copyright © 2012-2023 by vanKregten Publishers and Desert Warrior Ministries.
All Rights Reserved.

Scripture is taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

by International Bible Society.
Used by permission of Zondervan.
All Rights Reserved.

Artwork by Astray-Engel.

All rights reserved by the artist.

Used with permission.

Click on the artwork for details

of the Creative Commons License.