Newsletter - Jan 2024


Bert A. Amsing

My name is Bert Amsing and, together with my wife, Veronica, we want to thank you for your interest in this ministry. Desert Warrior Ministries is an idea, the idea that in the desert, in difficult times, we can learn, by God´s grace, to become warriors.

Jesus Christ is my Desert Warrior. He fought for me in the desert of his suffering, pain, and hell on the cross.

The Bible says that while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me. He seems to have a preference for the losers, the lost, the least, and the last. What others discard, he gathers up. When we are weak, he is strong.

It is when I am weak, and know it, and learn to depend entirely on him, that his strength in me is revealed.

I don´t understand it all yet but the past five years have been filled with furious scribblings and thinking, reading, and praying and now it is time to share it with you.


New Book Project

As many of you know, I am in the middle of writing a 7 book series on the Book of Revelations called Revelations - Embracing the Power of God's Priorities.

The book cover, title, and chapters may change as we go along but you get the idea. I have already completed the first book called The Dangerous Church which is all about the Seven Letters to the Churches of Revelations.

Then I go into the two introductory chapters to the rest of the book (Revelations 4 and 5) but pause to do a deep dive on the issue of Evil and how God plans to deal with it. That book is called A Theodicy of Evil and is full of interesting perspectives on why the Book of Revelations was even written.

I am about to start writing the third book called A Severe Mercy to talk about all of the disasters, pain, and suffering that will (and has) come upon our world. Then on to The Mystery of God which, of course, is Jesus Christ and his death and ministry on the cross. A Just Universe, A Glorious Business, and The End of Days make up the last three books in this series.

You can read the individual posts that have been written up to now by clicking on the word "Revelations" in the top menu bar. The dropdown menu will show you what is available up to today. Any feedback on the cover or topics is appreciated, as is a positive review on Amazon when it comes time to publish and launch the books. Thanks in advance.


Kingdom Coaching

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Kingdom Speaking

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Kingdom Podcast

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Life Events and Special Occasions

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My Author Website -

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Desert Warrior Ministries Update -

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Scripture is taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

by International Bible Society.
Used by permission of Zondervan.
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Artwork by Astray-Engel.

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