

Bert A. Amsing

Welcome to Desert Warrior Ministries Blog! This is our very first post. We will be offering previews of short stories, eDevotionals, book projects, and DWM events. Your feedback and comments are important. Become part of the Desert Warrior Network and learn to grow in your faith together with us.

Bert A. Amsing (M.Div., Calvin Theological Seminary) is the co-founder of Desert Warrior Ministries together with his wife, Veronica. They share a life ministry of encouragement, prayer, and service in Spanish and English through writing/speaking and drawing/painting.

He has written a book called Jesus Was an Alien (and Other Stories of Faith).
He has also written The Temptations of the Cross (A Novel) and has begun a series called The Desert Warrior.

For more info:


Welcome to the Desert Warrior Ministries Crowdfunding Campaign.

My name is Bert Amsing and, together with my wife, Veronica, we want to thank you for your interest in this ministry. Desert Warrior Ministries is an idea, the idea that in the desert, in difficult times, we can learn, by God´s grace, to become warriors.

Jesus Christ is my Desert Warrior. He fought for me in the desert of his suffering, pain and hell on the cross.
The Bible says that while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me. He seems to have a preference for the losers, the lost, the least, and the last. What others discard, he gathers up. When we are weak, he is strong.

In fact, it is when we are weak, and know it, and learn to depend entirely on him, that his strength in us is revealed.

I don´t understand it all yet but the past five years have been filled with furious scribblings and thinking, reading, and praying and now it is time to share it with you.

This crowdfunding campaign is specifically for launching our first book which is called Jesus was an Alien (and Other Stories of Faith). Yes, I know it´s a crazy title but you´ll like it. It is a collection of ten short stories about God and his perspective on our lives and I want to share it with you.

Let me also say something about the vision of Desert Warrior Ministries.

My wife and I envision an online community of desert warriors who use our website as a platform for learning relational evangelism, distinctive apologetics, and radical discipleship in the context of repentance.

We want to teach people how to harness the power of social networking and relationship marketing to get the truth of God´s grace out to a new generation of tech-savvy young people.

The idea is for DWM to bring together many other resources, authors and tools into one place, with one focus, to demonstrate the uniqueness of Christianity, and the power of the surrendered life and to train desert warriors in relational evangelism and radical discipleship.

The vision of DWM is to provide tools and tutorials, video presentations and webinars, books and stories and the training to share it all with others online and offline and to live out the reality of the message in our daily lives.

It is an adventure of grace on a journey of faith.

Come join us and see what God can do through you when you learn that his grace is sufficient (more than sufficient) through Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit, even in the darkest, most difficult deserts of your life.

We would rather be in the desert with God than in the promised land without him.

We hope you feel the same.

On the practical side, launching the book Jesus was an Alien (and Other Stories of Faith) has a financial goal for this crowdfunding campaign so that we can edit, publish, design and print the book in Spanish and in English.

Launching Desert Warrior Ministries as a full-time ministry, on the other hand, will take much more time and resources. Your prayers are the thing we covet most. If you are willing to share and promote DWM, that, too, is very much appreciated.

One person can be the gateway to a thousand and who knows what God can do through you.

We are also looking for 500 people who will make a donation to our ministry.

We have a number of rewards for you, including a copy of the book to be delivered in three to six months.

Please sign up to follow our blog via email to receive new posts daily and feel free to share them with others.
If you “like” our blog (and the DWM Facebook page), it will give us a higher ranking on the search engines when people are looking for answers to their spiritual questions.

Already, we have had searches for keywords such as Jesus, Alien Theory and Jesus as a Warrior.

In addition, we have had views from around the world, such as Bahrain, France, Zambia, Romania and even Egypt during the recent crisis there. And we haven´t even launched the ministry yet.

We are convinced that God has something wonderful in store for all of us on this journey of faith.

Come join us. Stay in touch and let us know how we can serve you best in your Life Ministry as you reveal the glory of the cross in your own way.

God bless you all.

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Copyright © 2012-2023 by vanKregten Publishers and Desert Warrior Ministries.
All Rights Reserved.

Scripture is taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

by International Bible Society.
Used by permission of Zondervan.
All Rights Reserved.

Artwork by Astray-Engel.

All rights reserved by the artist.

Used with permission.

Click on the artwork for details

of the Creative Commons License.