The "Stories of Faith" Series

Discovering the Power of Faith Experiences

Jesus Was An Alien

(and Other Stories of Faith)

Yes, I know. A strange title. But the truth is that many people find it easier to think of Jesus as an alien than trying to understand all of the religious language in the Bible. No problem.

Here you can discover how a funeral can actually be a wedding and how to explain to Dr. House that he is a brilliant idiot. Here you can watch as God explains his plan of redemption to Gabriel, the archangel, and how he dances for joy at what he is going to do next.

Here you may discover that Jesus was an Alien (or not) and find God in flip flops invading your board room. These stories are meant to encourage you to create your own stories of faith. Enjoy!

God is an Atheist

(and Other Stories of Faith)

Some of the arguments people give for denying the existence of God are very compelling. Who wants to believe in a God that allows little children to suffer and die for no good reason? Who wants to follow a God who seems aloof and distant, who doesn't care about what happens to us. I agree.

In fact, even God would agree. Are you surprised? I'm not. If God were truly like that, he, himself, would be an atheist. But he isn't like that at all.

Before we can reject the God of the Bible, we ought to find out what he is really like. He is perfect love and was willing to die to save us from the second death. What does that say about him? I think there is more here than meets the eye.

The Holy Spirit is a Fake

(and Other Stories of Faith)

I know that for many people, the Holy Spirit is a fake. Or perhaps to be more accurate, all of the claims of signs and wonders and answered prayers are mostly fake. And I agree.

Notice that I said "mostly fake." That was on purpose. I can't seem to escape the fact that underneath all of the snakeoil salesman type of hype, is an undercurrent of something that does seem to change people.

It's hard to put your finger on and it takes a bit of work and focus to find out what the Holy Spirit really is doing in the lives of people because you cannot deny that some people are healed, some people are changed, some people are born again. Find out why!

Christians are Hypocrites

(and Other Stories of Faith)

It's probably the most common complaint that people have against those who claim that they are following God. None of us do it very well. The church is a hospital after all, not a country club. But still...

The invitation is to look deeper and find out what it really means to be a Christian and why we are also ashamed that we don't do a better job of showing what is truly inside us.

Before and during the Pandemic, God gave us an opportunity to have a few different people come and live with us. It was an interesting experience to say the least. Perhaps it will give you more insight into this crazy life of being a follower of Jesus.

Heaven is a Myth

(and Other Stories of Faith)

Here you might find a Snake in your Garden and wonder what to do about it or experience the reverse discrimination that the Holy Spirit promotes in a denomination called The Pillar of Fire.

Here you may get some basic Faith Therapy to help you along your way or hope for a revival on Mars Hill. Go back in time to the Stoning of Stephen or witness the Life Support System that God has in place for you which can lead to a revival in your own church or nation.

Whether or not you believe that Heaven is a Myth, at the very least you will discover what heaven is really all about. And that can change everything.

Hell is a Joke

(and Other Stories of Faith)

Here you will find out what many people really think about a God who would send people to hell and whether they are right. But you will also discover what it means to be a Player when it comes to women and to God.

You might find a mirror helpful here. And if you are still not convinced then read the story of the Undoing of Jonathan Temperley and you will be.

Travel into the past to experience the Fire on the Mountain together with Moses and the Death of Gamaliel. Then jump forward to the first convert of Christianity, the thief on the cross, and his guardian angel, Sundor as he faces the wrath of Satan himself.

Shut Up and Pray

(and Other Stories of Faith)

When it comes to Evangelism, sometimes the best thing you can do is shut up and pray. But you also have to know what to say when it is time for your input.

This collection of stories and dialogues with a young couple called John and Sofi is one of my favorites. Originally published in my Roman Road series, having it stand alone gives new perspective and power to the process of relational evangelism.

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Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

by International Bible Society.
Used by permission of Zondervan.
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