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Table, lamp and laptop ready for blogging.

Monetization 101

December 02, 20232 min read

“Monetization is the key to everything, unless, of course, you already have everything.” - Anonymous

Course Description:

Monetization is the key to everything. Well, maybe not everything. Some of you may just want to write and publish and not worry about making any money.

Some of you are independently wealthy already and can fund your expenses and pay for the marketing scale-up yourself so that you can reach and influence more people. Good for you.

But for the rest of us, we need a plan on how to make some income based on our writing efforts. That is monetization!

The first thing to talk about is the passion-profit matrix. There’s no use talking about making money writing about topics that will bore you to tears. You probably won’t stay the course and get the work done.

On the other hand, many of us slave away at our passion writing project only to find out that no one is interested in buying it (or worse, that we had no idea who we were writing it for). We need to get both of these things right. Both passion and profits.

That being said, there are basically two fundamental approaches that we can take. One is more for the non-fiction writer and the other is for the fiction writer. Getting our expectations right from the start will be important.

We need to know that we can stay the course and get the job done. We need to know how long it will typically take us and what the steps are to create a full time income.

Although no promises can be made, there is a lot of value in understanding the different monetization strategies available.

One last thing to mention is that there are ways to make money in the Kindle Publishing field even when you are not a writer-author.

Some people let ghostwriters do the writing, designers do the formatting and book covers and they only do the strategic marketing part of the equation. This can also work and there are pros and cons to each approach.

Welcome to the world of Monetization 101. Coming Soon!


Week 1 – Making Money with Non-Fiction Books

Week 2 – Making Money with Fiction Books

Week 3 – Making Money as a Publisher (not a Writer)

Week 4 – Resources and Resourcefulness

blog author image

Bert A. Amsing

Bert A. Amsing is a Canadian living in beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is an author, speaker, and kingdom coach. He loves to share his faith with anyone willing to listen. Blessings.

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Table, lamp and laptop ready for blogging.

Monetization 101

December 02, 20232 min read

“Monetization is the key to everything, unless, of course, you already have everything.” - Anonymous

Course Description:

Monetization is the key to everything. Well, maybe not everything. Some of you may just want to write and publish and not worry about making any money.

Some of you are independently wealthy already and can fund your expenses and pay for the marketing scale-up yourself so that you can reach and influence more people. Good for you.

But for the rest of us, we need a plan on how to make some income based on our writing efforts. That is monetization!

The first thing to talk about is the passion-profit matrix. There’s no use talking about making money writing about topics that will bore you to tears. You probably won’t stay the course and get the work done.

On the other hand, many of us slave away at our passion writing project only to find out that no one is interested in buying it (or worse, that we had no idea who we were writing it for). We need to get both of these things right. Both passion and profits.

That being said, there are basically two fundamental approaches that we can take. One is more for the non-fiction writer and the other is for the fiction writer. Getting our expectations right from the start will be important.

We need to know that we can stay the course and get the job done. We need to know how long it will typically take us and what the steps are to create a full time income.

Although no promises can be made, there is a lot of value in understanding the different monetization strategies available.

One last thing to mention is that there are ways to make money in the Kindle Publishing field even when you are not a writer-author.

Some people let ghostwriters do the writing, designers do the formatting and book covers and they only do the strategic marketing part of the equation. This can also work and there are pros and cons to each approach.

Welcome to the world of Monetization 101. Coming Soon!


Week 1 – Making Money with Non-Fiction Books

Week 2 – Making Money with Fiction Books

Week 3 – Making Money as a Publisher (not a Writer)

Week 4 – Resources and Resourcefulness

blog author image

Bert A. Amsing

Bert A. Amsing is a Canadian living in beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is an author, speaker, and kingdom coach. He loves to share his faith with anyone willing to listen. Blessings.

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