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Desktop Computer on Table

Marketing 101

December 02, 20232 min read

“Publishing and Marketing are NOT the same thing.....unless, of course, you want them to be.” - Anonymous

Course Description:

So let’s get one thing straight. Publishing and Marketing are not the same thing. I know, I know. The words are often used interchangeably but that’s the point. Things have changed.

It used to be that the big publishers would do everything. They would publish your manuscript so that you had an actual book but they would also do the sales and marketing so that they could recoup some of their investment and hopefully make a profit.

Like I said. Things have changed.

Nowadays all the work a big publisher used to do has been split into a lot of micro-steps that can be done by you or outsourced (relatively cheaply) to someone else to do. But you still need to be in charge of the overall strategy.

You can hire someone on Fiverr to make a book cover or upload your manuscript to Kindle. You can get someone to write a series of emails for you to send out or create a funnel to capture those emails in the first place. There are a myriad of ways to “skin the cat” (although for the life of me I don’t know why you would want to).

But the overall strategy needs to be clear. We want to build an audience of people who appreciate and read our books (whether fiction or non-fiction) and the best way to do that is by capturing their email addresses in an autoresponder.

Yes, you can (and should) start a FB group for your most dedicated fans (more on that later). But your primary strategy should always and in every case be to build your audience with an email list.

But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a lot of steps to take and different options to consider as we build our audience. There most certainly are.

Still, we can reduce it down to three basic steps. Building an Audience (or a list of emails). Creating a Reader Magnet and Learning Email Marketing.

That’s what we are going to be talking about in great detail in Marketing 101.

Come join us!


Week 1 – Building an Audience.

Week 2 – Creating a Reader Magnet

Week 3 – Learning Email Marketing

Week 4 – Resources and Resourcefulness

blog author image

Bert A. Amsing

Bert A. Amsing is a Canadian living in beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is an author, speaker, and kingdom coach. He loves to share his faith with anyone willing to listen. Blessings.

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Desktop Computer on Table

Marketing 101

December 02, 20232 min read

“Publishing and Marketing are NOT the same thing.....unless, of course, you want them to be.” - Anonymous

Course Description:

So let’s get one thing straight. Publishing and Marketing are not the same thing. I know, I know. The words are often used interchangeably but that’s the point. Things have changed.

It used to be that the big publishers would do everything. They would publish your manuscript so that you had an actual book but they would also do the sales and marketing so that they could recoup some of their investment and hopefully make a profit.

Like I said. Things have changed.

Nowadays all the work a big publisher used to do has been split into a lot of micro-steps that can be done by you or outsourced (relatively cheaply) to someone else to do. But you still need to be in charge of the overall strategy.

You can hire someone on Fiverr to make a book cover or upload your manuscript to Kindle. You can get someone to write a series of emails for you to send out or create a funnel to capture those emails in the first place. There are a myriad of ways to “skin the cat” (although for the life of me I don’t know why you would want to).

But the overall strategy needs to be clear. We want to build an audience of people who appreciate and read our books (whether fiction or non-fiction) and the best way to do that is by capturing their email addresses in an autoresponder.

Yes, you can (and should) start a FB group for your most dedicated fans (more on that later). But your primary strategy should always and in every case be to build your audience with an email list.

But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a lot of steps to take and different options to consider as we build our audience. There most certainly are.

Still, we can reduce it down to three basic steps. Building an Audience (or a list of emails). Creating a Reader Magnet and Learning Email Marketing.

That’s what we are going to be talking about in great detail in Marketing 101.

Come join us!


Week 1 – Building an Audience.

Week 2 – Creating a Reader Magnet

Week 3 – Learning Email Marketing

Week 4 – Resources and Resourcefulness

blog author image

Bert A. Amsing

Bert A. Amsing is a Canadian living in beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is an author, speaker, and kingdom coach. He loves to share his faith with anyone willing to listen. Blessings.

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