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Laptop with Hands.

Publishing 101

December 02, 20231 min read

“Writing is one thing. Getting published another.” - Anonymous

Course Description:

Writing is one thing, getting published is another. Nothing is more true than the fact that creatives want to create and they generally don’t want to promote their creations much less deal with the everyday mundane business tasks.

Problem is – someone has to do it. Enter (those who dare) the world of publishing!

We all want to be published, no doubt. But we don’t all want to do the work (or pay the price) to get there.

We still have dreams of being discovered, of getting an advance on future sales, and working with a top-notch publishing company who will do all of the actual work of publishing and marketing our books (and getting paid handsomely to do so).

Alas, the world of publishing has changed.

Unless you already have a large audience that is ready and eager to buy your books, most publishing companies won’t touch you until you first prove that your books will sell.

The general rule of thumb is publishing as an independent author first, selling 3 to 5 thousand copies within a relatively short period of time (usually under a year) and showing that you are not a one-book beginner by writing several books (preferrably in a series).

There’s a lot to learn and it’s time to get started. Welcome to Publishing 101. Coming Soon!


Week 1 – New Realities. New Opportunities.

Week 2 – A Giant Step for Mankind

Week 3 – A Lot of Small Steps for You

Week 4 – Resources and Resourcefulness

blog author image

Bert A. Amsing

Bert A. Amsing is a Canadian living in beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is an author, speaker, and kingdom coach. He loves to share his faith with anyone willing to listen. Blessings.

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Laptop with Hands.

Publishing 101

December 02, 20231 min read

“Writing is one thing. Getting published another.” - Anonymous

Course Description:

Writing is one thing, getting published is another. Nothing is more true than the fact that creatives want to create and they generally don’t want to promote their creations much less deal with the everyday mundane business tasks.

Problem is – someone has to do it. Enter (those who dare) the world of publishing!

We all want to be published, no doubt. But we don’t all want to do the work (or pay the price) to get there.

We still have dreams of being discovered, of getting an advance on future sales, and working with a top-notch publishing company who will do all of the actual work of publishing and marketing our books (and getting paid handsomely to do so).

Alas, the world of publishing has changed.

Unless you already have a large audience that is ready and eager to buy your books, most publishing companies won’t touch you until you first prove that your books will sell.

The general rule of thumb is publishing as an independent author first, selling 3 to 5 thousand copies within a relatively short period of time (usually under a year) and showing that you are not a one-book beginner by writing several books (preferrably in a series).

There’s a lot to learn and it’s time to get started. Welcome to Publishing 101. Coming Soon!


Week 1 – New Realities. New Opportunities.

Week 2 – A Giant Step for Mankind

Week 3 – A Lot of Small Steps for You

Week 4 – Resources and Resourcefulness

blog author image

Bert A. Amsing

Bert A. Amsing is a Canadian living in beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is an author, speaker, and kingdom coach. He loves to share his faith with anyone willing to listen. Blessings.

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