Revelations - Book 2:

A Theodicy of Evil

Understanding the Nature of Evil

This is where the “rubber hits the road” so to speak.

We have come full circle back to the priority and importance of our effective ministry. This is the message of the Book of Revelations.

We follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior and therefore we participate with him in suffering for the gospel.

We are not naïve enough to believe that God is here to support us and help us to build our own kingdom, our own American Dream, our own home, career, and lifestyle.

Not at all.

We are here to further the Kingdom of God and we do that by releasing the anointing power of the righteousness of Christ into every situation.
Forgiveness is a powerful witness, and it empowers our prayers for providence and protection in this difficult and dangerous world.

Now we understand why the prophet was weeping.

Now we also understand why the heavens were rejoicing at the revealing of the Lion of Judah who was also a lamb.

Now we have the story straight and we understand God’s priorities.

Now we know how important that scroll is and why it is necessary for someone to implement God’s Plan of Redemption.

We tend to think that God’s plan of redemption was accomplished on the cross and that is true to an extent. But it still needs to be implemented in time, the message still needs to go out, and we will play a significant role in the whole process.

We have work to do. And it will be a glorious business.



Chapter One – The Throne Room of God

Chapter Two – The Weeping Prophet

Chapter Three – The Reality of Sin

Chapter Four – The Secular Problem of Evil

Chapter Five - The Religious Problem of Evil

Chapter Six – The Dangers of the Divine Ethic

Chapter Seven – The Wrath of God and of the Lamb

Chapter Eight – The Relational Nature of Hell

Chapter Nine – Jesus is the Providence of God

Chapter Ten – Prayer Behind Enemy Lines


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Scripture is taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

by International Bible Society.
Used by permission of Zondervan.
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