Stories of Faith - Book 6:

Hell is a Joke

Discover how the Player gets played by a young girl in love with God and how believing that Hell is a joke is turned against you every day of your life. In the end, Jonathan Temperley cannot handle the truth and it is his undoing.

Experience the thrill of watching Moses interact with God and the death of Rabbi Gamaliel after a lifetime of rejecting Jesus only to be saved at the last minute. Watch as Sundor ignores the power of Lucifer at the cross as he claims the soul of the believing thief who now belongs to heaven.

Stories that can push you toward heaven or hell should be read with caution. That is also our weight of glory.



Chapter 1: The Player

Chapter 2: The Death of Gamaliel

Chapter 3: Hell is a Joke

Chapter 4: Fire on the Mountain

Chapter 5: Be Imitators of God

Chapter 6: Sundor and Lucifer

Chapter 7: The Undoing of Jonathan Temperley


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Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984

by International Bible Society.
Used by permission of Zondervan.
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Artwork by Astray-Engel.

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